• Brackets
  • Enviada el 15/02/2024

My friend is 35 and has braces. Suddenly both sides of his mouth hurt and he is getting headaches

13 especialistas han respondido

  • Hello, when you have braces somethimes your mouth hurts a couple days no more time

  • En ocasiones eso sucede por que los pacientes son muy sensibles. Pero en cada ajuste en normal que molesten ligeramente por 2 o 3 días !

    Selene Griselda Ruperto Herrera


    Álvaro Obregón

  • Hi! Is normal, remember, braces have to move the teeth and that is painful sometimes

    Mariela Herrera

    MCO Odontología Integral Avanzada

    San Luis Potosí

  • Hello, it's very important to know what's hurting. Sometimes we use wax to avoid hurting the mouth.

    Ana Jimena Juárez Vázquez (Cuenta desactivada)



  • Español por favor. El inglés solo lo uso para leer artículos científicos. No en consulta con mis pacientes.

    Karla Haro Galaviz



  • May be his bite it’s not closings well that’s why he is having headaches he should come to our office so we can diagnose well.

    Claudia Ivette Gonzalez Gomez


    Benito Juárez

  • If your friend is experiencing pain on both sides of his mouth and getting headaches after getting braces, it could be related to the adjustments made during orthodontic treatment. Here are some steps he can consider to address the discomfort:

    Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage the pain. It's important to use these medications according to the instructions on the label or as recommended by a healthcare provider.

    Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial. He should continue to brush and floss carefully around the braces to prevent any issues that could
    ... Leer más

    Ezra Harari

    Cirujano Oral


  • In some cases it is normal, and on the days when the discomfort occurs it is recommended to take some analgesic, it could be a paracetamol.

    Abraham Hernández Chiu


    Benito Juárez

  • It depends on your friend's pain threshold. But if there is a lot of pain that becomes disabling, you should mention it to your Dr. Do not take ibuprofen, aspirin or paracetamol because it prevents the teeth from moving and alters the braces treatment.

    Aide Robertha García Mackintos



  • Hello, if by braces you mean braces, it is normal to feel pain and also a headache. It is recommended that you ask your doctor what you can take for those pains

    Daphne Romero Vernon


    Gustavo A. Madero

  • It is necessary to review him, his case has several possible outcomes, it is necessary to have a panoramic x-ray and a meticulous review

  • I am very sorry but I have to see his mouth before I can say something

    Aurelio Jano Takane

    Ortodoncia y Odontología Japonesa

    Benito Juárez

  • Hello, I would have to check it, I could see it tomorrow

    Juan Manuel Casas

    Odontología Integral

    Miguel Hidalgo

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