• Trastornos del sueño
  • Enviada el 18/08/2023

¿Qué tipo de especialista necesito en Ciudad de México para receta de Zopiclona?

I am a Canadian citizen in Mexico City for 6 months. In Canada I have a prescription for sleeping pills (Zopiclone) that I have had for several years. I have run out of my pills so went to a clinic here in Mexico to get a new prescription. In Canada a general doctor can make this prescription, but they told me I have to see a specialist in Mexico. But, they did not tell me what kind of specialist. Can someone please tell me what sort of specialist I need to see in Mexico City, and what is the process to get the prescription? Thank you!

24 especialistas han respondido

  • Hello. Yo could go to any drugstore that has a doctor, like Farmacias Similares, and show the doctor your Canadian prescription. He can write a new one for you.
    I hope this helps.

    Follow me on instagram:


    Jaime Carmona Rayas



  • You must have to see a psiquiatrist. Cause de Z drugs also be adictive. Better its to see a pro
    At you re servicie dude

    Eduardo Galina García



  • You should visit a Psychiatrist who is the specialist authorized to prescribe that sort of controlled medicatión, always based on your diagnosis, mental examination and thorough examination.

    Carlos Alberto Anzures Muñoz


    Miguel Hidalgo

  • Hi, A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (an M.D. or D.O.) who specializes in mental health, including substance use disorders. I hope all is well

    Psic. Karla Vargas



  • go to a psychiatrist

    Blanca Margarita Moreno Ramírez


    Benito Juárez

  • A psychiatrist

    Ana Luisa Soto Soto



  • Soy el psicólogo especialista en terapia familiar de pareja, hipnoterapeuta y adicciones. Gilberto Espino. Puede ser melatonina. Que también la melatonina es una hormona que regula el ciclo de sueño-vigilia en el cuerpo. Es como suplemento para ayudar a tratar el insomnio y otros trastornos del sueño. La hipnosis podría ayudar.
    I am a psychologist specializing in couples family therapy, hypnotherapist and addictions. Gilberto Espino. It could be melatonin. Melatonin is also a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle in the body. It is as a supplement to help treat insomnia and other sleep disorders. Hypnosis c
    ... Leer más

    Gilberto Espino



  • sleep clinic. Also in therapy you can review

    Alicia Chami Shamosh

    Trastornos Traumas


  • You need to have an appointment with a psychiatrist to get a controlled medication

    Dra Leticia Tayabas



  • zopiclone, sirve para el insomnio. Neurologo o Psiquiatra

    Lic. L. Gerardo Guardado

    Psicoanalista Y Psicoterapeuta


  • You need a psychiatrist The process depends on whether you seek public or private help. In public assistance it is necessary that you go to the health center to be referred to a specialist, in the private consultation you only need to make an appointment with said specialist and discuss your medical history.

    Zuleima Ariana Aguilar


    Cuautitlán Izcalli

  • You need to see a psychiatrist.

    Omar Hernández Pacheco

    Psicoanalista Y Psicoterapeuta


  • Necesitas consultar a un psiquiatra

    Esmeralda López Guzmán

    Psicólogo, Maestra en Psicoterapia Transpersonal Integrativa


  • In Mexico, the process for obtaining prescription medications can be different from what you're used to in Canada. Since you need a prescription for sleeping pills, you'll need to see a psychiatrist. These specialists are generally qualified to evaluate your condition and prescribe medications like Zopiclone.

    Damian Sánchez López



  • I think that any physician could prescribe it, but i am shure that a psiquiatríst can

    Jesus Javier Diaz Castañon



  • For a control drug as Zopiclone you'll need to go to a psychiatrist. He or she is the specialist that can give you a mental drug presciption.

    Osvaldo López Maguey



  • Hi, You need a psychiatrist, he is the specialist i'm sleep disorders.

    Daniel Díaz Sáinz


    Benito Juárez

  • Hello, it is necessary that you see a psychiatric specialist since they are controlled drugs in Mexico

    Alberto Ayala Correa

    Laringología y Fonocirugía

    Naucalpan de Juárez

  • Zoplicone (Zimovane) as you’ve said it’s medication to address sleeping problem. Any internist or psychiatrist could give you your prescription. If you can find anyone, I can do myself.
    Thank you for your question

    Ricardo Alfonso Sandoval Padilla

    Transplante de pulmón


  • Specialist in sleep disorders. It can be neurologist, otolaringologyst, psiquiatric. One of those Who has that speciality.

    María Antonieta Vázquez Bojórquez


    Benito Juárez

  • HI, you would need to see a psychiatrist or a sleep specialist (Pulmonologist) to obtain a prescription for sleeping pills like Zopiclone. These specialists are qualified to assess your sleep issues and determine if medication is appropriate for your condition. Here's the process you can follow to get the prescription:

    Find a Specialist: Look for a psychiatrist or a sleep specialist in Mexico City. You can ask for recommendations from locals, expatriate communities, or search online for medical professionals with expertise in sleep disorders.

    Schedule an Appointment: Contact the chosen specialist's office to schedule
    ... Leer más

    Edgar Muñoz Torres



  • You must see a psychiatrist

    Maru Crotte Occelli


    Gustavo A. Madero

  • Hello, the specialist you need to see is a psychiatrist to have the prescription. Zopiclone is a controlled drug in Mexico. Make sure the psychiatrist speaks English.

    María Eugenia Guerrero Brito


    Acapulco de Juárez

  • Hello, zopiclona is a controlled medication in Mexico. You need to see a Psychiatrist who can give you the prescription necessary to buy your medication.

    Hilda Fernandez De Ortega



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